Robert a entendu parler d' "images drôles" sur "Facebook".
Robert est outré.
C'est surement la chose la plus offensante qu'il ait vu jusqu'ici. Juste après les gens qui élèvent des rats et des hamsters comme animaux de compagnie et pas pour manger.
Heureusement, Il a corrigé cette horreur, au plus grand bonheur de tous.
Robert has heard of "funny pictures" on "Facebook".
Robert is outraged.
It's probably the most offending thing he's ever seen, just after people who raise rats and hamster as pets and not food.
But thankfully, he has corrected this terrible error, to everyone's relief.
(Image reads from top to bottom: Need for realization, need for esteem, need for belonging, need for security, psychological needs, CHEESE RACLETTE, OWL)
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